Sunday, October 02, 2011

What is it like to be a Videogames Developer

Job Description
Games developers are involved in the creation and production of games that range from computer, handheld, console and arcade games to games on the internet and, increasingly, mobile phone and other wireless game applications. Their work involves either design (including art and animation) or programming.

Games development is a fast-moving multi-billion pound industry and the making of a game from concept to finished product can take up to three years and involve teams of up to 200 professionals. There are many stages, including creating and designing a game’s look and how it plays, animating characters and objects, creating audio, programming, localisation, testing and producing.

The games developer job title covers a broad area of work and there are many specialisms within the industry. These include quality assurance tester, programmer (with various specialisms such as network, engine, toolchain and artificial intelligence), audio engineer, artist (including concept artist, animator and 3D modeller), producer, editor, designer and special effects technician.

Typical work activities

Tasks vary depending on your specialist area but may include:

  • developing designs and/or initial concept designs for games including game play;
  • generating game scripts and storyboards;
  • creating the visual aspects of the game at the concept stage;
  • using 2D or 3D modelling and animation software, such as Maya, at the production stage;
  • producing the audio features of the game, such as the character voices, music and sound effects;
  • programming the game using programming languages such as C++;
  • quality testing games in a systematic and thorough way to find problems or bugs and recording precisely where the problem was discovered;
  • solving complex technical problems that occur within the game production; disseminating knowledge to colleagues, clients, publishers and gamers;
  • understanding complex written information, ideas and instructions;
  • working closely with team members to meet the needs of a project;
  • planning resources and managing both the team and the process;
  • performing effectively under pressure and meeting deadlines to ensure the game is completed on time
Entry Requirements:

Although this role is open to graduates in all subject areas, a relevant degree, HND or foundation degree in one of the following subjects may increase your chances:

  • computer games development;
  • computer games design;
  • multimedia design;
  • interactive media;
  • software engineering;
  • mathematics;
  • physics;
  • animation;
  • graphic design;
  • computer science.

Entry without a degree, HND or foundation degree is sometimes possible with relevant experience, although most people who work in games are graduates.

An alternative entry route into games development is as a quality assurance technician or tester. Although you do not need to have an HND or degree to enter at this level, some programming experience is desirable, as well as extensive experience of game playing, an understanding of different styles and platforms and database skills.

A relevant postgraduate qualification, while not essential, may be useful, especially if your first degree or HND does not involve a games specialism element. Several universities offer Masters degrees in games-related specialisms.

With the increasing popularity of games and advances in technology, the industry offers a wide range of opportunities but competition is intense at all levels and games developers need to demonstrate a high level of commitment and achievement. It is essential that you create a portfolio (for artistic roles) or working demo (for programming roles) with examples of work you have created. This gives employers a good idea of your talent and creativity. The ability to code in C++, scripting experience and knowledge of specific software tools are also useful skills.

Relevant work experience gained, for example, through an industrial placement during your degree, is also important.

Candidates will need to show evidence of the following:

  • technical ability, in particular familiarisation with a range of software packages and/or programming languages;
  • teamworking skills;
  • the ability to work independently;
  • creativity; communication skills;
  • problem-solving ability;
  • flexibility; self-motivation;
  • initiative;
  • enthusiasm;
  • the ability to meet deadlines and client requirements.

A strong interest in games and knowledge of the industry is also vital. Get involved in online forums to increase your knowledge of current industry hot topics and read relevant games development magazines, such as Game Developer or 3D World.

Entry-level jobs are rarely advertised so it is important to build up contacts in the industry. Approach companies speculatively, making sure you do your research first. Any recruitment tends to be via company websites, through specialist recruitment agencies or advertised in specialist games publications. Research thoroughly companies you are interested in, targeting your application accordingly.

It is widely predicted within the industry that games will become even closer to film in terms of technological advances. Because of this, skills in cinematography or story writing are likely to be welcomed within the games development role. As games are sold internationally, developers also need to have a good level of cultural awareness so that games are appropriate to their markets.


Games developers often begin at a junior level and are managed by a more experienced lead developer, who will give training on the job. The games development industry is fast moving, with changing technology, software packages and working methods, so an ability to manage your own learning and keep up to date with technological developments is essential.

Quality assurance testers within games development can take an Information Systems Examination Board (ISEB) Foundation, Intermediate or Practitioner Certificate in Software Testing to increase their knowledge and employability. The BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) also provides a range of accredited courses for IT professionals.

e-skills UK - The Sector Skills Council for Business and Information Technology promotes ongoing professional development in the sector and supports the professional development of graduate IT professionals during the early years of their career.

Skillset: The Sector Skills Council for Creative Media advertises a range of relevant courses on their website, for example in 3D modelling and animation, for those entering the design side of games development. These courses range from short training courses to Masters degrees.

Games developers are expected to acquire confidence in new technical skills as part of their job and some companies develop their own software, specific to their own needs. Much of the training is done in house and on the job.

Employers & Vacancy Sources

In 2009, there were about 155 games development companies in the UK, employing over 5,500 people (Skillset Employment Census , 2009). The industry is strong in Europe and the UK is the fourth largest games producing country in the world after the USA, Japan and Canada.

Employers are largely games developers or games publishers. Development studios may be owned by a publisher or may be independent and they may do business internationally, nationally or regionally. Games production companies and studios vary in size from small companies employing fewer than five people to multinational studios employing hundreds.

As well as games for PC, console or hand-held gaming devices, games are created in a variety of different forms and can be commissioned by such diverse clients as educational institutions, broadcasters, DVD and CD-ROM authoring companies, information providers such as local and national government, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), marketing and advertising agencies, mobile phone companies and design companies.

Project work accounts for a considerable proportion of employment in this field. For many games projects, developers work in teams. For example, it may take a team of up to 200 people to design a prestigious game. Developers may work on a project for a long period of time as games can take up to three years to complete.

Sources of vacancies

Search graduate jobs on this site.

Specialist recruitment agencies, including Aardvark Swift , Amiqus and Datascope , regularly handle vacancies for games development. The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) is the professional body for recruitment agencies.

Visit their website for a list of relevant member agencies. Entry-level jobs are rarely advertised so speculative applications to companies you are interested in can be useful. The Datascope and Entertainment & Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA) websites have lists of UK games developer/video games companies and publishers.


Range of typical starting salaries: £12,000 to £25,000. The lower salary level relates to entry-level roles, such as quality assurance tester; the mid-salary level relates to artists/animators and designers; and the higher salary level relates to programmers (salary data collected Jan 10).


Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Advice on Personal Statements from Bournemouth University Staff

This is a video from the talk given by staff from the University of Bournemouth, it includes some excellent advice on what to include in a personal statement.

Friday, February 04, 2011

University of Westminster Student goes to radical lengths to cut his student debt

A Media Studies student at the University of Westminster went to extreme lengths in an attempt to cut his student debt.

Read the full article here:

University Campus Suffolk

'University Campus Suffolk is among one of the newest higher education institutions in the UK. UCS is a modern approach to higher education, with centres in Bury St Edmunds, Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft and Otley complementing the campus development in Ipswich. This model of a cutting-edge campus and network of learning centres focuses on accessibility, community, enterprise, and innovation. It also provides a number of innovative local learning centres across Suffolk called Learning and Enterprise Access Points (LEAP). All UCS degrees are jointly validated by the Universities of East Anglia and Essex."

This University has a number of very interesting courses that students from Media, Film and CRAM would potentially be interested in. Such as:

BA (Hons) Computer Games Design

BA (Hons) Film

BA (Hons) Graphic Design

In light of the intended rise in tuition fees as University that is closer to home could be a consideration for more and more students. Therefore, this is a university worth looking into.

Bournemouth University Overview

Bournemouth University is an excellent place for Media Studies students to continue their education. The Media School has a number of varied and interesting media related courses including:

BA (Hons) Communication and Media
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Arts
BSc (Hons) Software Development for Animation, Games and Effects
BA (Hons) Computer Visualisation and Animation
BA (Hons) Politics and Media
BA (Hons) Interactive Media Production
BA (Hons) Radio
BA (Hons) Scriptwriting for Film and Television
BA (Hons) Television Production
BA (Hons) Film Production and Cinematography

Here are some words from their website which gives you an idea of just how good this place is:

"Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the Media School has been assessed as 'excellent' by the Quality Assurance Agency and its research in the area of computer animations has been rated 5 in the most recent Research Assessment Exercise. Currently the school has around 1,850 undergraduate and 250 postgraduate students.

The Media School is the UK's only Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (as designated by Higher Education Funding Council for England) and is also an accredited Skillset Media Academy. These endorsements firmly establish the School as a major education centre for the media industries."

Another thing that makes the Media School so good is that many of the people you would be taught by are industry professionals, many of whom are still actively working in the media industry. This is a real bonus for students as it can open up opportunities for work.

The work that students produce is varied and of a high standard. Check out their student showcase website to get a taste of the kind of work you could produce.
Here is an example from a student studying Television Production.

Reaching Albion from Jon scorer on Vimeo.

Careers Week

As part of careers week we are keen to give you all information on possible careers that you could go into as a result of studying Media, Film or the Creative and Media Diploma. has a number of films featuring people who are successful in a variety of different careers including Journalism, being a camera operator, a location sound recordist, a make-up artist, an actor or a motion picture camera operator.

Here are a couple of the best films.

There is also a really useful film on the Guardian careers site about how the media is changing and what new careers are emerging in the media.
In addition there is lots of useful information on careers in the media

Plus there is the skillset website which also has some excellent information with regards to careers in the media
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